In a competitive employment market, where the highest paying or most glamorous-sounding roles are often oversubscribed and filled quickly, not-for-profit roles can be overlooked by job hunters. Common assumptions about the sector don’t help things either.
But despair not: we’re here with some “top tips” to help you find the best people for your organisation.
Sell yourself
Remember why people donate to or volunteer for your organisation. These should be the same reasons someone would want to work for you, so make sure those reasons come through loud and clear. This starts with your job ad and role description – the first things a job hunter sees.
Remember too that job interviews go both ways: they’re interviewing you too. So in the interview room, be proud of your organisation, what you do and the difference you make.
Debunk the myths
Common misperceptions about work in the not-for-profit sector – like bad pay, lack of career pathways, and roles looking bad on a CV – are still out there. These are easily cast aside by addressing them up front in your job description, role advertising, and in the interview itself.
You don’t need to go in “guns blazing”. Just remember to highlight extra things about the role that could be attractive to potential candidates: a great work-life balance, competitive pay, the broad scope of the role, the value you place on someone’s expertise, or the person’s ability to create tangible outcomes and make a real difference.
Ask for help…when you need it
There’s no shame in seeking external assistance if (for example) you don’t have in-house expertise to interview for a specific role, or you don’t feel you have a robust and consistent interview process.
An advisory panel or Board member, a recruitment partner, or a trusted business partner or supplier can be a handy source of independent expertise – and will be more than happy to lend a hand. They can also help you find good candidates for the role!
Don’t settle for second best
Finally (and this should be obvious) you’re not a ‘second best’ organisation, so don’t settle for second best people! Again, being positive and proud about your organisation is the key to attracting talent.
Follow the tips above and there should plenty of excellent candidates knocking on your door.
And remember, we’re always here to help you put your best foot forward.
You deserve the best people.
Kirsty and Nikki
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